Starting a mustard oil mill project does not demand massive machinery operations; anyone who thoroughly understands the procedure and has right equipment can work on the plan. The business setup won't require a great space for machinery placement, all you need it is, to begin with, the traditional program and converting it into an oil mill plant.
Steps to follow to establish a Mustard Seeds Oil Mill Plant:
1. Search for the appropriate land
The primary factor that you should keep in mind is to look for a place that has easy availability of raw material, i.e., mustard seeds. Marketing is an essential point that impacts any business. Once, you have found the place, start looking for the area where you can set up mustard oil machines. If you don't have a huge budget, get an idea of the mustard oil mill plant cost to make your dream come true.
2. Get some knowledge about the Mustard Oil Operation
Every year, mustard grow in plenty amount. The cost of raw material relies on the availability and quality of ingredients required for the milling of oil. To take the things smoothly; proper processing of seeds, packing, and shipment is necessary. Once your plan is ready, start working on trials and get an estimation of the profit amount.
3. Research on Mustard Oil Production Process
The Milling process is straightforward: the mustard seeds are extracted from mustard plants (sarso in Hindi), yellow and black varieties are considered best for oil processing technique. The color of oil depends on the type of species used to extract the oil.
After the selection of seeds, they are sent for quality testing; moisture test, impurity test, color test and ingredient content test are some of the standard examinations done on the raw material. After this, the raw material is received by the cleaning section, here, stone and wood particles are removed from the stock.
The cleaned seeds are directed to the storage container; they go through hoopers for intensive cleaning. From this step, oil starts to process from the seeds and this step is known as for press processing. Before sending this oil to the next level, it is tested for moisture, temperature and oil content.
The crushed seeds are collected in the expeller area where they are precisely ground with the conveyers and elevators in the mustard oil machines. The produced oil is tested for impurity, thickness, and color. Then, the oil is sent to raw oil storing collector.
In the refining section, further impurities are removed from the stock and sent for the quality testing. The odor level is also checked in the tank. The processed oil is then passed through the filters for chemical and acid testing.
4. Packaging, marketing, advertising and distribution of processed Mustard Oil
The double filtered oil is then collected into storage tanks for final testing, if it has passed all the specifications, it is sent for packaging. The processed oil is packed and distributed to the store owners.
From the processed mustard seeds, pressed cakes are manufactured. These cakes are highly nutritious for animals. They are used as a supplementary agent in private farms and dairies. Hope! The above information helped you and enriched your knowledge for your next business idea.
Nextech Solutions is a Delhi-based rice and mustard oil milling consultancy assisting clients with their modern milling equipment.
Article Source: Ezine Articles